Kropf: New open-access publication on hiPS cells and Alzheimer's dementia
The article by Mario Kropf, published on September 8, 2023 in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, addresses ethically relevant challenges and potentials surrounding the use of human induced pluripotent stem cells for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Schmidhuber: New publication "Pandemics and ethics" in English
Due to high demand, the Springer volume "Pandemics and Ethics" has now also been published in English in an updated form.
Schmidhuber: New publication "Intercultural communication in hospitals"
Martina Schmidhuber's book looks at two key challenges that hospitals are currently facing: On the one hand, it looks at the increasingly ageing society because this is reflected in an increasing number of patients with age-related illnesses, such as dementia. On the other hand, the fact that communication with people with dementia with a migration biography and their relatives requires special skills in hospitals is analyzed. Using theoretical concepts, case analyses and the experiences of doctors, it shows how doctor-patient communication with people with dementia and their relatives can succeed in an intercultural setting. (Source: Nomos)
Current research projects
Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
As part of a research group funded by the FWF from 2023-2028, Martina Schmidhuber and her colleague Caroline Breitegger are working on the ethical aspects of the rare disease multisystem atrophy (MSA).
More about the project: Medical Decision Making in MSA Research Group (MeDeMSA) - Medical University of Innsbruck
Elisabeth List Fellowship
As part of the Elisabeth List Fellowship at the University of Graz, Martina Schmidhuber is researching reproductive justice for queer and trans* people with Doris Leibetseder (Senior Fellow, Basel), Caroline Hammer (Junior Fellow, Graz) and Elif Gül (Junior Fellow, Vienna).
More about the project: Reproductive justice in the context of queer and trans* reproduction with Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) - Elisabeth List Fellowship Program for Gender Studies
Main research areas
Young Carers
Martina Schmidhuber is leading a project on the topic of young carers, i.e. young people who care for their relatives. Thomas Gremsl, who heads the Institute for Ethics and Social Studies at the University of Graz, is also involved in the project.
Further information can be found on the project page.